We Are Looking For 10 People Who Want To Transform Their Health and Fitness Over The Next 12 Weeks...
...Even if You Haven't Exercised in Years, Have Chronic Pain, or Failed Every Attempt You've Made to Look & Feel Better.
Request your complimentary introductory session and consultation to learn more about our 12 Week "Get Your Body Back" Transformation Program. We will discuss your goals, personal situation, and devise a plan together to get you in the best shape you've been in years and feeling better than ever.
Request Your No Obligation & Free Introductory Session & Consultation
Take the first step to turning back the clock 10 or 20 years, and looking and feeling your best!
The Fitness Together 12 Week Transformation.
Here's What's Included:
Your 12 Week Transformation is a comprehensive team approach to health and fitness that integrates a team of professional trainers, nutrition coaching and the support system & accountability to keep you on-track.
This means you potentially have 3 or more experts for next 12 weeks in your corner to get you into the best shape of your life, free of any aches and pains, and looking and feeling at least 10 years younger.
All the advantages that the support of a celebrity or professional athlete's program at a fraction of the cost.
✅ A Team of Professional Trainers
-Our certified personal trainers will build your custom workout program and educate you on proper techniques to help you achieve maximum results. Throughout your fitness journey, your progress will be monitored and your program will be adjusted. Your personal trainer is here to hold you accountable, cheer you on, empathize with you, and empower you to reach your goals.
✅ Customized For Any Fitness Level
-Your journey starts with a thorough physical wellness assessment with your personal trainer where together you will discuss your health and fitness goals. Our workout programs are fully customized to meet your individual needs, accommodating any injuries or limitations you may have, and put you on the right path to achieve success.
✅ Private Training Suites
- Not only do you get a personalized program from your team of experts, but you workout in your own private equipped exercise suite! There's no more distractions, intimidation or waiting for equipment. It's just you, your trainer and your goals!
✅ Physicians Communication Program
- Your fitness consultants are trained to effectively communicate with any medical professionals you are currently seeing or may need to see to treat any pre-existing injuries, aches or pains that are getting in the way of your goals.
✅ Nutritional Support
-Our Nutrition Together program offers an educational and accountability framework to improve your eating lifestyle. Beyond dieting, Nutrition Together is about eating the right foods, the right portions and the right frequency, along with our other programs can help get you the results you deserve.
✅ Accountability
- Virginia Poly Tech did a study and found that people held accountable to a health and fitness program had %2200 more results compared to those not held accountable


Improve Your Overall Health
Surveys show that the primary reason people hire personal trainers is to get professional assistance in improving strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular health. Our fitness consultants are not your traditional personal trainer. They'll monitor your progress and fine-tune your program as you go, helping your work towards your goals, while decreasing or eliminating chronic pain.

Reach or Maintain A Health Weight.
With our team of specialist, you can still achieve body transformation goals even if you've been limited by chronic pain, prior injuries or simply haven't exercised in years. You are not locked into a body a you are not happy with. Our team will help you set realistic goals and will provide safe strategies and encouragement to reach those goals.

Focus On Your Unique Health Concerns
Surveys show 50% of clients who use personal trainers have special medical needs such as chronic, pain, arthritis, diabetes or obesity. Our team of specialists work together to help with these issues including lower back pain, pre/postnatal training, high-blood pressure or other cardia concerns. We can work with your physician with our team of personal trainers, doctors and physical therapist.

Learn To Stick With It
Sticking with well-intentioned plans is one of the biggest challenges people face. Our fitness consultants will provide motivation for developing a lifestyle that places a high priority on health and activity. We will help you overcome your biggest obstacles to exercise. What could be better than making a commitment to regularly meeting with one of our staff who will provide your the individualized attention and support your need.
Here's What Our Clients Have To Say.
(Congratulations, you are going to need a new wardrobe!)
(We thought your may need more inspiration!)

FAQ 1: Your program sounds interesting. But I’ve tried lots of ways to get in shape in the past and I know there are lots of health clubs, weight loss centers, and other places around town that all say “their program is the best”. How are you different?
FAQ 2: I have a VERY busy schedule, and I’m concerned about being able to fit a fitness routine into my life. How can you help me?
FAQ 3: How quickly can I see results?
FAQ 4: Your program sounds great, but is it expensive? What are your rates?
FAQ 5: What if I have injuries or I’m REALLY out of shape (it’s been a while since I worked out) can you still help me?
FAQ 6: What about nutrition? I know that’s a big piece of the puzzle to getting in shape and improving my health over the long term. How can you help me with that?
Request Your Free Private Introductory Session & Consultation Today!
Find out what's stopping you from hitting your health & fitness goals & get a personalized plan for overcoming those obstacles.